Halo guys, pada kesempatan ini saya memposting materi tentang Simple Past Tense.
Apa itu Simple Past Tense? yukk yukk simak penjelasannya di bawah ini :
Definisi Simple Past Tense :
Simple Past tense adalah suatu bentuk tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau. Kata kerja yang digunakan pada tense ini harus berupa kata kerja kedua (verb 2).
Ciri-ciri Simple Past Tense :
1. Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa di masa lampau.
contoh :
- Mareta visited Polban last month.
- When I was 17th years old, I loved him.
- He came the party last night.
- My Father drank a cup of coffee yesterday.
2. Simple Past Tense menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau.
contoh :
last night
last year
last week
last month
last March
last Summer
Three days ago
One year ago
Six minute ago, etc.
3. Mempunyai kata kerja bentuk lampau beraturan (regular-verb).
Kata kerja beraturan atau regular-verb ini dibentuk dengan menambahkan "d/ed"pada kata kerja pertama (infinitive).
contoh :
- She wanted some books.
- Mareta needed her helps to solve the problem.
- Galih played basketball with me.
- He used my pen to write this letter last night.
4. Mempunyai kata kerja bentuk lampau tidak beraturan (irregular-verb).
Kata kerja irregular verb ini tidak dibentuk dengan menambahkan "d/ed" melainkan kata kerja ini mempunyai bentuk tersendiri.
contoh :
- I got score 100 on Physics daily test yesterday.
- Mother made this cake last night.
- I wrote this letter to you.
- I bought delicious cake.
- My friends and I ate seblak last year.
5. Simple Past Tense mempunyai rumus :
Apa itu Simple Past Tense? yukk yukk simak penjelasannya di bawah ini :
Definisi Simple Past Tense :
Simple Past tense adalah suatu bentuk tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau. Kata kerja yang digunakan pada tense ini harus berupa kata kerja kedua (verb 2).
Ciri-ciri Simple Past Tense :
1. Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa di masa lampau.
contoh :
- Mareta visited Polban last month.
- When I was 17th years old, I loved him.
- He came the party last night.
- My Father drank a cup of coffee yesterday.
2. Simple Past Tense menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau.
contoh :
last night
last year
last week
last month
last March
last Summer
Three days ago
One year ago
Six minute ago, etc.
3. Mempunyai kata kerja bentuk lampau beraturan (regular-verb).
Kata kerja beraturan atau regular-verb ini dibentuk dengan menambahkan "d/ed"pada kata kerja pertama (infinitive).
contoh :
- She wanted some books.
- Mareta needed her helps to solve the problem.
- Galih played basketball with me.
- He used my pen to write this letter last night.
4. Mempunyai kata kerja bentuk lampau tidak beraturan (irregular-verb).
Kata kerja irregular verb ini tidak dibentuk dengan menambahkan "d/ed" melainkan kata kerja ini mempunyai bentuk tersendiri.
contoh :
- I got score 100 on Physics daily test yesterday.
- Mother made this cake last night.
- I wrote this letter to you.
- I bought delicious cake.
- My friends and I ate seblak last year.
5. Simple Past Tense mempunyai rumus :
S+V2 atau S+be (was/were)+Adj/Noun/Adverb.
6. Simple Past Tense mempunyai struktur negative statement :
S+didn't/did not+V1
contoh :
(+) She called me via whatsapp last night.
(-) She didn't call me via whatsapp last night.
(+) Mareta felt hurt yesterday.
(-) Mareta did'nt feel hurt yesterday.
(+) They were good.
(-) They weren't good.
7. Simple Past Tense mempunyai struktur introgative sentence :
contoh :
(+) You bought this book.
(-) You didn't buy this book.
(?) Did you buy this book ?
(+) He came here to see you.
(-) He didn't come here to see you.
(?) Did he come here to see you?
(+) Mareta sent those photos via dropbox last week.
(-) Mareta didn't send those photos via dropbox last week.
(?) Did Mareta send those photos via dropbox last week?
8. Simple Past Tense juga digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu terjadinya suatu kejadian atau suatu peristiwa.
contoh :
- When did you buy this house?
- When did she get married?
- When did The Williams move to Bandung?
- When did you boil this water?
Nah sekarang agan sudah paham kan materi tentang Simple Past Tense. untuk lebih jelasnya yuk yukk latihan soal hehehe. kerjakan soal di bawah ini yup..
1. I never ...... (ask) them to leave this house last week.
2. He was in a hurry because he ..... (want) to take the first train.
3. They .....(use) this room to discuss their plans last night.
4. My boss finally ..... (agree) to sign the contact.
5. The man ...... (reserve) two double rooms last week.
6. My friends and I ... (go) to Paris last year.
7. I ....... (know) him when we ..... (meet) in Bandung four month ago.
8. We also .... (have) lunch together in this canteen yesterday.
9. Galih ..... (bring) all books last night.
10. I ..... (lose) my mind.
Thankyou very much sudah berkunjung ke blog saya hehe. semoga bermanfaat.
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